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The map of France is about to change its face. However, this time it should not be due to a conquest or a war, if not that of humanity against global warming. Indeed, according to the latest estimates from the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), the average level of the ocean will rise by 63 cm to 1.01 m if the current trajectory is maintained.

“In France, all the coasts will be affected” by this rising water, warns Françoise Vimeux, climatologist and director of research at the Research Institute for Development, with BFMTV.

Thus, areas particularly at risk are beginning to be affected in France, especially overseas where “the high tide is higher in places”, as explained by Gonéri le Cozannet, researcher at the Geological and Mining Research Office and co-author of the IPCC report, to our colleagues.

Within France, the effects are not very visible for the moment. But, as Denis Lacroix, foresight delegate to the general management of the French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea, notes with the news channel, “the features of the coasts will change”.

Thus, by 2050, more and more effects will be observed on the territories of mainland France and overseas territories. Discover in our slideshow below the impacts of climate change by the middle of the 21st century according to the Ministry of Ecology.