resim 412
resim 412

On August 22, 2021, the Climate and Resilience law was passed. A year later, on August 22, 2022, one of his decrees came into effect. From now on, it is no longer possible for companies to advertise fossil fuels.

This therefore concerns petroleum products, energy from mining coal and carbonaceous hydrogen. So ended the advertisements on “fuel at cost” operations, to the chagrin of some companies.

“It seems inappropriate to apply this measure when fuel operations are in favor of preserving purchasing power and fuel prices have never been so high. If we no longer have the right to inform consumers of the implementation of fuel operations, they will not know that they exist and will not benefit from them… they will no longer exist!” had then declared Michel-Edouard Leclerc, as reported by BFMTV.

One of the fossil fuels is excluded from this law for the moment: gas. This benefited from an exemption until June 30, 2023.

“It is a question of being in compliance with European law in view of the end of TRV gas, which occurs in 2023. If they do not have access to advertising, alternative gas suppliers cannot stand out from the historical actor and it would be considered a barrier to entryā€¯, explained the entourage of the Minister of Ecological Transition at the time, Barbara Pompili, as noted by Le Figaro.