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Memories of Miss. This Monday, September 19, Cindy Fabre was the guest of Cyril Hanouna in Touche pas à mon poste on C8. Accompanied by Diane Leyre, Miss France 2022, the new director and successor to Sylvie Tellier defended the changes made to the competition for the election of Miss France 2023, which will be held in Châteauroux on December 17.

This passage in TPMP was the occasion for Cindy Fabre to evoke her year of reign under the scarf of Miss France 2005. eyes of millions of viewers. Many admirers have fallen under his spell, both anonymous and known.

Like her meeting with Christophe Hondelatte during her appearance in the 1 p.m. news on France 2. The least we can say is that Cindy Fabre was not impressed by the advances of the famous presenter, alluding to colleagues who have married Miss. “But then, you have to expect it to happen to you,” the journalist assured him. “No, no, you never say two without three, so the third…”, retorted the beauty queen with aplomb.

Not enough to impress Christophe Hondelatte who returns without embarrassment to ask him for a kiss. “Can we kiss?”. And, Cindy Fabre to dismiss him with a categorical “no”. A rake that the famous presenter took with a laugh at the end of his news. “I’m not an easy girl,” swung the former Miss in front of the columnists before returning to the sequence. “I had a lot of messages from not very happy women who said to me: ‘how could you put off Christophe Hondelatte'”.

However, Cindy Fabre has good memories of her interview with the host and friend of Cyril Hanouna. “Right after the show, of course we laughed about it, but that was after he told me that indeed all the Misses ended up with TV presenters. I was out of the question for me to end up with him “, she concluded with character. A cult sequence that Christophe Hondelatte seemed to have forgotten, according to his reaction to this archive, also broadcast the day before in Les Enfants de la télé on France 2.