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The purpose of home insurance is to reduce or eliminate expenses due to unforeseen events that may occur to the structure of your home and the various items within it. When purchasing home insurance online, it can be tempting to falsify some information or omit some to take advantage of a lower insurance premium. This is a big mistake! Do not undervalue your property to pay less premiums! When it comes to paying a claim, the companies pay an indemnity proportional to the declared value. Hence the importance of a correct valuation of your home, because a lower calculation will mean that the compensation you will receive in the event of a claim will be less.

Today, you can do simulations online to find out how much home insurance will cost you. Some insurance companies have a table and even a calculator on their website, but beware, this is an estimate. We therefore advise you to contact an advisor who can advise you in this regard. In addition, do not hesitate to multiply simulations and quotes because beyond the price difference, it is above all the coverage and exclusions of each contract that can make the difference in the event of a claim.

The amount of the home insurance premium will always depend on the type of property you are insuring. Although each insurer has its own standard and its own names for this type of insurance, we distinguish between two types of home insurance: classic insurance and multi-risk home insurance. Basic home insurance covers different types of damage: fire, explosion, theft, pipe repairs, flooding, glass breakage, etc. They may also include – depending on the company – home assistance and limited legal defense. This is the simplest option and the least expensive option for insurers.

Multi-risk home insurance is called 5-star insurance because it offers a complete service. This type of insurance includes all of the above, plus additional coverage such as repair of electrical appliances or maintenance of computer equipment. Once you have explored the issue and become familiar with the options and advantages offered by this type of insurance, you are invited to do a good market study and choose the home insurance contract. that offers you the best price/coverage ratio.

It is important that you do a proper appraisal of your home and the belongings you own before deciding on a type of insurance. In other words, in this assessment, you must take into account variables such as whether your home is new or old, whether it is a detached house or an apartment.