(Beijing) Four American university professors working in China were attacked and injured, apparently in a stabbing, according to their employer, a parliamentarian and Washington.

Attacks on foreign nationals, particularly Westerners, are extremely rare in China, where the streets are generally safe. The number of physical attacks there is infinitely lower than in the United States or Western Europe.

Cornell College, located in the central state of Iowa in the United States, said the four Americans worked as professors for the higher education institution and were participating in an academic exchange in China. .

They were injured in a “serious incident,” the university said.

An Iowa representative in the U.S. House of Representatives, Ashley Hinson, told X that she was “horrified” that these four Americans were “brutally stabbed.”

For its part, a spokesperson for the US State Department said it was “aware of reports of a stabbing in Jilin”, a city in northeastern China, located in the province of the same name.

The Chinese authorities have not yet communicated about this alleged attack.