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CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — A space station provide boat named after the Dark NASA mathematician featured in the film”Hidden Statistics” rocketed into orbit Saturday, the 59th anniversary of John Glenn’s historic launching.

Northrop Grumman’s Cygnus capsule — dubbed the S.S. Katherine Johnson — ought to reach the International Space Station on Monday after its launch in Virginia’s eastern coast.

“Mrs. Johnson was chosen for her hand-written calculations which helped establish the first Americans in space, in addition to her achievements in breaking glass ceiling following glass ceiling as a Black girl,” Frank DeMauro, a Northrop Grumman vice president, said on the eve of liftoff. “A homework assignment for each of you is to see that film following the Cygnus launch”

Johnson’s numbers donated to the Feb. 20, 1962, flight where Glenn became the first American to orbit the planet. The movie, released in late 2016, depicted that the campaign set forth by Johnson along with other Black girls in NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, during the first days of space exploration.

Northrop Grumman established the 4-ton dispatch for NASA in the early day from Wallops, in which temperatures were just above freezing. The Antares rocket has been observable from the Carolinas into Connecticut, at least where skies were clear.

This is going to be the space station’s next delivery in under a week. A Russian capsule pulled Wednesday with oranges and apples, among other items.

“Oh, we love new food!!!” He noticed that the space station flew over Virginia only 10 minutes before Saturday’s launch.

Noguchi and his six U.S. and Russian crewmates can anticipate more apples after the Cygnus arrives, together with berries, berries, grilled salmon, Parmesan and cheddar cheeses, caramels and coconut strips.

The capsule also holds 120,000 tiny roundworms to get a muscle experimentation, in addition to off-the-shelf computer gear to boost data processing rate in the space station. Additionally flying: radiation sensors meant for NASA’s astronaut moon-landing program, and also a new method to convert all their astronauts’ urine to drinking water.

It’s Northrop Grumman’s 15th station provide run for NASA. SpaceX is NASA’s additional Freight.