Facebook accused an Israeli company hack WhatsApp users
Facebook accused an Israeli company hack WhatsApp users

Facebook, the Israeli cyberspionagebedrijf NSO Group has been sued. According to the social network hackte the company earlier this year, users of its instant messaging service, WhatsApp. Journalists, diplomats, human rights activists, political dissidents, and senior government officials would have been subjected.

Earlier, it was already revealed that a security flaw in WhatsApp was used in order to install some software on the phones of other people. According to Facebook this was a targeted attack. NSO would be using the malware to customers, most likely government or the security forces, it has been possible to make all sorts of targets, to eavesdrop and spy on you.

the Deployment of the complaint that Facebook filed in federal district court in San Francisco, california, is that the NSO Group, and the access of WhatsApp, and other services provided by Facebook will be blocked. It also works Facebook for any form of compensation.

the NSO is a controversial issue. The company has, for example, have been associated with human rights violations in Latin America, the Middle East and so on. NSO itself, it has to be stressed that the software has been designed in order to combat terrorism, and in that way, a lot of lives to save.

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