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The strong man of the PAF at the height of his popularity. In December 2022, Jean-Luc Reichmann was elected “favorite animator of the French”, dethroning his friend Stéphane Plaza, in a poll carried out by OpinionWay for TV Magazine. A distinction that touched the famous presenter of the game Les 12 coups de midi.

“I am very happy and very proud. This title encourages me to always be as sincere as possible. I never imagined such a gift…”, declared the 61-year-old host for the weekly. Something to cheer him up after losing his mother Josette last summer. “He gave me strength to get through these end-of-year celebrations which were going to be tricky given that I lost my mother a few months ago…”.

At the height of his popularity, Jean-Luc Reichmann had a string of successes and good audiences thanks to 12 noon shots. “I find it incredible that we have more audiences than some prime-timers,” rejoiced Nathalie Lecoultre’s companion on January 24 for Télé-Loisirs. However, the animator and actor of Léo Mattei would remain open to new projects for his career. Leaving doubts about his professional future. “I only have one year of contract left with TF1 and Endemol, we will take stock when the time comes,” he told the website.

According to Jean-Luc Reichmann’s revelations, his hosting contract would end in 2024. Will he be ousted or renewed next season? Even if the question is not on the agenda, the former host of Attention à la marche and Au pied du mur is very grateful for what the first channel in Europe has brought him. “I can never thank TF1 enough. I have total freedom. They don’t bother me. More than a contract, it’s a moral pact that I have with TF1”, he assured in July last, during a press conference which Planet attended for the 12th anniversary of the flagship midday show. “I am very happy to be here. I want to surprise again”. It remains to be seen for how long…