America Fed chief pleased the stock market and resists Trump
America Fed chief pleased the stock market and resists Trump

The exchanges have been to an extremely event Friday afternoon with significantly higher equity prices in the United States and in Europe. So,the Dax rose 3.4 percent to 10.767, 69 points. Falling bond prices caused by rising yields. So ten-year us government bonds yield is now at 2.65 instead of 2.56 per cent.

Gerald Braunberger

editor in the business, responsible for the financial market.

F. A. Z.

the Two events were responsible for the rising equity and falling bond prices. At an event in Atlanta, the Chairman of the Federal reserve, and Jerome Powell expressed understanding for the Concerns of the financial markets, a deterioration of the economic situation. The Fed is going to listen to the participants in the financial markets, insured Powell. The Chairman of the Central Bank designated on the one hand, the state of the American economy as very good, but he was also willing, in the case of poorer prospects of all the necessary monetary policy instruments, in order to fight it.

This was seen in the financial markets as a stand-by Powell, that, if necessary, to the Fed’s previously stated that the two interest rate hikes in the current year, and possibly also the balance sheet total of the Fed to reduce to less than the proposed $ 50 billion in the month.