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The end of the year is fast approaching. And with it, one of the most anticipated celebrations of the year arrives, New Year’s Eve. After Christmas family meals, this evening is often a new opportunity to find yourself surrounded by loved ones for s have fun. If foie gras, oysters or capons are the stars of Christmas, for New Year’s Eve, champagne is in the spotlight.

Only, after a year of constant inflation and after the expenses generated by Christmas, the budget of the French is at its lowest. However, champagne remains above all a luxury drink which, by definition, is expensive. Indeed, the average price of a bottle in France exceeds 20 euros, a sum that is not within everyone’s reach.

As Le Monde reveals, the process of creating champagne takes time because it is made up of many steps. So much so that it takes at least between 15 months and 3 years to produce a bottle.

In addition, the raw materials are not to be neglected either because the grape is an expensive fruit and one counts approximately 1.2 kg of this ingredient to obtain a bottle of 75 cl. Thus, with all the additional distribution or marketing costs, a bottle of champagne costs around 8 euros to produce.

Thus, this drink has a high price and is therefore inaccessible for many people on New Year’s Eve. Fortunately, it is possible to find alternatives to replace it. Here are 5 alcohols that could allow you to protect your wallet while varying the flavors.