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In oil, herbal tea, cream, all means are good to relax, so consumers are turning to this solution. The benefits of this plant are numerous, but also raise many questions about its use. We explain everything you need to know about CBD.

The first confusion around CBD comes from its origin. CBD, for cannabinoid, is one of the substances present in the cannabis flower. However, it is not the substance responsible for the psychotropic effects. This is THC for tetrahydrocannabinol, which is present in cannabis flower, but not in CBD flowers. Indeed, in France, CBD-based products contain less than 0.3% THC, which makes the product much less harmful than cannabis.

Without the psychoactive effects, CBD-based products then have much milder effects on the body: they will generally soothe and calm the consumer. This is why we see many CBD-based wellness products appearing.

If CBD is so appreciated, it is for its many therapeutic virtues. Its principle is to bring several pleasant effects without the disadvantages of cannabis. First of all, CBD is known for its relaxing and soothing benefits. It can thus provide analgesic and anxiolytic effects. That is to say, it helps reduce pain, but can also reduce anxiety and anxiety. Studies also show positive effects on sleep and hypertension. CBD can help some people relax to fall asleep more easily and even help reduce high blood pressure.

Finally, the list of different conditions on which CBD can have positive effects is impressive:

This can therefore concern a lot of people, both to seek relaxing effects, but also to relieve themselves of an ailment.

Today, there are a multitude of CBD products to suit all types of consumers. CBD is available in most wellness products such as body creams, balms, or oils. CBD in oil form is highly valued for its ease of use. Indeed, you can easily pour a few drops in a herbal tea, in an atomizer or directly under the tongue for more effects.

CBD flower can also be consumed by smoking it. There are different varieties according to everyone’s preferences and you can enjoy the benefits of CBD while having the feeling of smoking cannabis. It can be a great tool for regular smokers who are trying to quit smoking or cannabis.