resim 46
resim 46

The prices for food at the Wangen State Garden Show cause dissatisfaction among many visitors. Although the cost of water and beer has already been slightly reduced, there are a number of complaints on social networks. The caterer of the main restaurant gives reasons for his high prices.

The Wangen State Garden Show attracts many curious visitors, but many visitors have no understanding of the high drinks prices. A water is available for four euros. A cup of beer costs five euros. In view of the increasing criticism of the high gastro prices, the prices were reduced slightly before the start of the Wangen State Garden Show. Originally, water was supposed to be 20 cents more expensive. The beer was originally priced at five euros and 50 cents.

“Of course we can’t reduce all prices, but we looked at what was possible when it came to water and beer. But there is nothing more in our calculations,” said Tobias Parthie to the “Schwäbische Zeitung”. He is the managing director of Polster Catering and, according to the report, his company operates the main catering area.

Parthie points out. that he had already incurred some costs with the company in advance; he had converted parts of the existing buildings for catering. “The bottom line is that it is an entrepreneurial risk that we bear here,” he says. He has to pay for the employees’ travel, accommodation and meal costs. He also brings up another argument over which he has little influence: his catering company also has to take inflation and supply chain problems into account. Still, he told the newspaper, he hoped to win. However, this depends on many factors, such as the weather.

In the comments of “ Schwä ” some visitors let their displeasure run wild. “Water can actually cost a maximum of two euros. “That’s what people need,” said a Facebook user there. Another woman writes: “The visit is just a bit too expensive with children.” Many visitors complain that entry, drinks and finger food at the garden show cost around 100 euros for a family of four. “Even for me, as a pensioner, it is not possible to visit with admission and food – I can buy food for a week,” says another visitor. Another visitor goes straight to the point: “Maybe people will think about where these constant increases in prices come from. Politics has made everything more expensive (food, energy, etc.). There are also constant strikes and demands for wage increases. That has to be paid for. And then THAT’s what comes out of it.”

Others, on the other hand, show more understanding for the pricing at the Wangen State Garden Show and point out that the catering industry does not earn anything from the tickets, but on the other hand carries its own entrepreneurial risk with rent, electricity and purchases. One user says: “The prices are understandable for us, especially since the food is fairly normal priced.”

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