Cash grace period for the 500 Euro note
Cash grace period for the 500 Euro note

The Bundesbank holds the 500-Euro note longer Loyalty than most other Central banks in the Euro area. Up to and including 26. April 2019, will have the Tickets at the Bundesbank and the Austrian national Bank. The other 17 national Central banks of the Eurosystem, the output of the purple Banknote are already on the 26. January 2019 to finish.

“We have opted for this longer period, because the German and the Austrian Central Bank to bring the net most of the 500-Euro banknotes in circulation”, said Bundesbank Executive Board Johannes Beermann.

demand could rise

A forecast of whether the extended period will boost the demand for the largest Euro denomination once again, did not dare to beer man: “It is difficult to predict how the demand for the 500 in the next few months will develop. Because for the first Time a denomination is no longer issued, and remains, at the same time a means of payment,“ said the Bundesbank Executive Board. “May the demand increases, because the 500 has a store of value function.”

the Council of The European Central Bank (ECB) decided in early may of 2016, and that production and output of the 500-Euro-Banknote “to be set against the end of the year 2018”. In the revised second series of the common banknotes with improved security features, there will be no 500 Euro note. This “Europe”-series is 28. May 2019, with the issuance of the new 100 – and 200-Euro Notes completed.

From the waiver of the 500-Euro note, a promise supporters, that the financing of Terrorism and black-market work to be pushed back. Whether the work is, however, controversial. The outstanding 500 remain legal tender and is intended to be unlimited-exchangeable.

To a Renaissance of the 500-Euro note, in a later series of Euro banknotes beermann believes: “I suspect that the 500 is not revived after the ECB’s governing Council has now made the decision. I do not believe that the barrel is open again.“