Case IVAM processed Consuelo Ciscar to take advantage of the museum to promote his son
Case IVAM processed Consuelo Ciscar to take advantage of the museum to promote his son

Toni JiménezSEGUIRVALENCIA Updated: Save Send news by mail electrónicoTu name *

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The judge is investigating the alleged irregularities committed in the Valencian Institute of Modern Art (IVAM) has handed down self of summary procedure, against the exdirectora museum Consuelo Císcar by taking advantage reportedly of the institution to promote the career of his son, Rafael Blasco, known as Rablaci.

The instructor, assigned as a reinforcement to the Court of Instruction 21 of Valencia, you have tried also the artist, a businessman and three exdirectivos or employees of the IVAM: the former economic director administrative, the former director of Publications and External Action and a government official. Instead, it has filed proceedings, which constitute the main part of the so-called “case IVAM”, for the other five investigated.

The car, which closes the phase of instruction, points out that the facts could be constitutive, in a relation of contest, medial, of crimes of continuous misappropriation of funds administrative malfeasance, bribery, and falsification of official document.

The judge considered that the proceedings of research practiced shows that Císcar he took advantage of his “position of superiority as the managing director of the IVAM” and made a “personal use” of this public institution to “to build and promote the artistic career of his son.”

he did, according to the resolution, through two pathways. The first passed by using workers and money to the museum to assign it to those purposes. The second consisted in the granting of services or purchase works of art from the funds of the IVAM to entities or artists to coincide with exhibitions and/or publication of catalogues of Rablaci.

Thus, the self, which can be used both on reform and on appeal, lists multiple emails hacked during the investigation, “indicating that the orders of the lady Císcar and several employees of the IVAM lent their services for the construction and/or promotion of the artistic career of his son.”

The workers provided that collaboration between the years of 2008 and 2010 in different areas such as institutional relations, the making of curricula Rablaci or the edition and translation of catalogues and texts. Also participated in the organization of exhibitions and the transport of their works of art, mainly sculptures and photographs, in countries such as Cuba, Mexico, Argentina and China, among others.

One of the defendants, an employee independent of the IVAM wrote parallel texts for samples of the son of Císcar , was appointed in October 2012 as director of Publications of the museum, an appointment in which the judge appreciates a consideration for those jobs.

The resolution also details payments with funds from the IVAM institutions, art critics or artists who have benefitted by the purchase, or the international exhibition of his works, of the commissariat of samples or the recruitment of publications, in exchange for alleged collaboration in the promotion and formation of the artistic career of Rablaci.

Also, the car collects a multitude of “adjudications irregular” service on the part of the governing board of the IVAM to various companies of the businessman quetambién performed the transport and assembly or disassembly of the exhibition of the son of the former managing director.

Also, dedicate a specific mention to the travelling exhibition of the work of Rablaci Matter and Spirit in Asia, coinciding with exposures of funds of the own IVAM, and concludes that this would not have been possible without the collaboration of a delegate of the SGAE in that continent, to whose husband the valencian museum had been hired by 284.000 euro no record of any tender.

“The policy of international expansion for the collection of the IVAM, or the works of individual artists taking on the Institute all the costs that this entailed, and was adopted in a unilateral way by the lady Císcar allowed his son to have an international projection as an artist (and where the same had the age of 20 years without having finished his studies of Fine Arts)”, points the instructor.

this way, Rablaci was able to expose abroad in the same or close to the IVAM exhibitions and the points in time equal or next. In both cases the transport, to be financed with public funds, were assumed by the Logistics company of the Art SL.