Cartoon provoked Trump is Hitlers mustache
Cartoon provoked Trump is Hitlers mustache

Cartoon provoked Trump is Hitler’s SchnurrbartDas alleged cover image of the magazine “Time” with Trump as Hitler’s mouth leads to heavy discussions in the social media. Sandro Benini0 comment Hitler with Trump-mouth: Tasteless or brilliant?Image: O-Sekoer

The front of course in such cases is clear: tasteless Hitler comparison, mockery of the victims of national socialism on the one side. And in this case, an aggravating factor is that the alleged filth of a prestigious publication such as the American “Time Magazine” was planted.

On the other hand, the inevitable arguments of artistic freedom, a successful provocation, a humorous border-crossing. Satire is allowed to do everything.

In the social media by the millions to spread the alleged “Time”-a title sheet with Hitler and the Trump Silhouette as its mouth and the line: “racism. The largest Virus”. Many believed that it was a real Cover, although the forgery is relatively easy to detect. It the number and date of the edition, the artist name of the cartoonist is to be listed, and a look at the online archive of the “Time”-the title leaves removes any doubt.

the author of the cartoon is the 64-year-old Belgian Luc Descheemaeker, artist name-O-sekoer. Has drawn it you are already in 2016. It has since been shown at several exhibitions, now of Descheemaeker for the alleged title sheet of the second-used and re-on whose Facebook page presents. Obviously, with great success, or what’s going on in the currency of social media is the Same,, under the excitation of large attention.

Referred to his image, and the operations in the United States as a “surrealist”: Luc Descheemaeker.Photo: Kurt Pelda

At the request of the French newspaper “Le Parisien”, said, the Belgian cartoonist, he had by no means had the intention of someone to mislead. His drawing is surrealistic, as well as the “gloomy and surrealistic day in the USA”.

cartoons on the Holocaust

It is not the first Time that Descheemaeker in social media can be a fake Time Cover to circulate. Last year, he created a Greta Thunberg. The retired art and culture lecturer submits his drawings in international competitions and has won 150 awards.

controversy and public outrage caused Descheemaeker, when he won four years ago, an Iranian cartoon contest about the Holocaust. Irina Bokova, the former Secretary-General of the Unesco, described the event as “an Initiative, which wants to mock the murder of millions of Jews, verse”. Descheemaekers contribution shows the of Israel in the West Bank, built a wall with the inscription “work makes you free” – the same words so that hung over the entrance to the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Descheemaeker denied at the time to Harbor any anti-Semitic resentment.

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