Carbon emissions bad news for the climate summit
Carbon emissions bad news for the climate summit

burn All of the efforts and protestations, in Spite of The people, more and more coal and Oil and accumulate in the air getting stronger with climate-damaging greenhouse gases. Bad news not only for the twenty thousand participants at the climate summit in Katowice. No less 2.7 percent of the released amount of carbon Dioxide grows in 2018 compared to the previous year. The the in the journal “Nature” and in two other magazines published report of a group of researchers led by the University of East Anglia in Norwich and the Global Carbon Project shows. Last year, as the carbon dioxide growth rate of 1.6 percent, there was hope. Because in the three previous years for 2014, you registered nearly a Stagnation of the long-awaited “decoupling” of economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions.

Joachim Müller-Jung

editor in the features section, responsible for the area of “nature and science”.

F. A. Z. Twitter

it is all The more shocking, the new Numbers are. The objective of “Dekarboniserung” of the company, the detachment from the carbon-rich fuel, is eaten by the hunger for energy in the world. May was due to temporary emission-break, only the short-term fluctuations, and natural buffers, now it goes almost unabated to the top. A dangerous development, which could be at the climate summit of the United Nations in Katowice for even more climate protection appeals and maybe even sharper diplomatic tones.

Gloomy forecasts for the world’s climate

For if the three years ago in Paris for the world climate Treaty, agreed-upon goal, global warming should be achieved at two degrees and, preferably, 1.5 degrees to curb, would the carbon dioxide emissions from fossil-fuel sources until the age of twelve should be halved and by 2050 to almost zero shut down. In Katowice until September 14. December be agreed as a kind of rule book, in order for these goals against all the current Trends could be achieved. In fact, the world, the emissions, the last of them, on the way in a three to four degree warmer world – to compare a huge jump in Temperature in extremely geologically short period of time, the only with the Transitions of tens of thousands of years of past ice ages and warm periods, and for the planet global ecological crises and meteorologically highly unstable times meant.

Should probably have the current emission data, however, provide models for the coming decades, expect the climate scientists in the “word-case”scenario, with even higher temperatures of global five to six degrees, which is again significantly worse consequences for the food industry and the Survival of the people.

The new issue, according to a report by the end of the year from power plants and transport suspected of more than 37 billion tons of carbon dioxide released. This includes emissions arising from deforestation and other land-use changes, from five billion metric tons. At the top of the ‘polluter pays’ nothing has changed. The ranking is led by China, which has the responsibility due to the continued growth especially in the construction industry, at least 27 percent of global emissions, and a new all-time maximum value. Behind it is the United States rank with a share of 15 per cent of global emissions.

Germany is lagging behind its objectives

After a few years of Stagnation, the American carbon dioxide emissions grows, according to research by the researchers a “robust growth of the petroleum industry” by 1.4 per cent following. Place three of the ‘polluter pays’ list still occupies the European Union, with a share of ten percent. Although the quantity of Emissions is still on a slight decline, with a loss of 0.7 percent, but much less than in the previous years. In particular, road and air transport account for the according to scientists, to the development, the emissions increases by nearly four percent.