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resim 200

Last name, first name, dates of birth and death. According to the law, these three pieces of information must be inscribed on each tombstone in order to be able to identify the burial. To these indications can be added more sentimental inscriptions, messages from relatives or an epitaph to personalize the final resting place of the deceased. If the latter has not made a specific request for his epitaph, it is up to his relatives to choose the funerary monument. Be careful however: as our colleagues from Notre Temps report, the authorization of the mayor of the city where the burial is located is required to inscribe anything on a stele.

The city councilor can refuse the epitaph if he considers that “the content is likely to disturb public order”. In addition, according to article R 2223-8 of the General Code of Territorial Communities, a translation into French must be attached to the application if the registration is made in a foreign language. Finally, the decency and dignity of the deceased must, of course, be respected.

The rest is up to your imagination! You can write a few words, a drawing, a quote, a poem, a message… As for the font, funeral directors generally offer several. However, as the specialized site Le Choix Funéraire points out, “the regulations of certain cemeteries may exclude some: it is recommended to inquire at the town hall before ordering the engraving of the tombstone”.