resim 138
resim 138

If thunderstorms sometimes make people tremble, there are just as many received ideas about them.

For example, it is wrongly thought that lightning cannot strike twice in the same place: this is wrong!

On the other hand, we generally know that it is necessary to shelter inside when the sky rumbles very strongly.

At the risk of being struck by lightning, which primarily affects the elements closest to the clouds, where it forms. Trees, tall buildings and lightning rods are therefore natural targets.

But be careful, taking refuge in an enclosed place does not mean that you are completely safe from a thunderbolt. First of all, it is likely to hit the outside of your home and cause a number of damages, ranging from power cuts to devastating fires.

But lightning can also pass through glass and brickwork, even if this is rarer, and enter your home, where it can affect, in particular, your electrical appliances (televisions, computers, fridges, etc.) and cause them to implode. You are also at risk of being struck down if you find yourself on the scene.

So, to limit the risks, follow these good practices to the letter during the next storm:

You can also install a surge protector on your electrical panel, against the risk of overvoltage that could occur even if your house is not affected. Installing a lightning rod is also recommended if you live in an area where thunderstorms are frequent.