Backpack ready, battery charged… It’s good, you’re ready to go camping. Well almost. Because it can happen that we omit any object before leaving. This is why the Montagne Sud website recommends writing down a list of things to take a few days before leaving.

In order, also, to add to it as you might need and not to neglect an essential for survival. So not to miss any of them, Planet has produced the slideshow below presenting 15 accessories for a successful camping trip.

In addition, if there is material to bring absolutely, some objects are superfluous. For instance :

In France, there were 7,592 equipped campsites in 2021, i.e. 872,647 pitches, according to the website of La Fédération des Campeurs Caravaniers et Camping-caristes (FFCC). France is the 1st park in Europe and the second in the world. It has a total of 22 million customers. The 10 departments with the most in 2021 are: