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Do you feel safe in your city? This question is very important when moving or buying your main residence. Thefts, violence, burglaries… Where should you live to avoid them as much as possible? It is to answer this question that Le Parisien has compiled an unprecedented ranking on the safety of our municipalities, based on a dozen criteria. Please note that the cities of Ile-de-France are not included in this study, which is based on data from the Ministerial Statistical Service for Internal Security.

To arrive at its ranking, the Ile-de-France daily studied the number of “offences or complaints recorded by the police and the gendarmerie” in municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants. Cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants are also entitled to a ranking of their own and you can consult the top 20 places in our slideshow.

Indeed, the first “big city” only comes in 25th place overall. Quoted by Le Parisien, Sebastian Roché, research director at the CNRS has an explanation: “The size of agglomerations is the best predictor of crime rates. This is due to several factors including the double concentration, both of wealth and poverty It is in these cities that there is the greatest polarization, which creates what are called accessible targets for theft”.

As far as municipalities with 20,000 to 50,000 inhabitants are concerned, here are the first 10, which are therefore considered to be the safest in France.

Your city is not in this first ranking? It may have more than 20,000 inhabitants and could be in the list below, according to the data collected and revealed by Le Parisien.