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Ten appeals to 49.3, twelve motions of censure rejected… This fall, the finance bill for 2023 caused a stir in the National Assembly. It was finally adopted this Saturday, December 17, 2022, with numerous measures imposed by the government through article 49 paragraph 3 of the Constitution.

According to information from Ouest France, the opposition will seize the Constitutional Council in the face of a text adopted without a vote. On the one hand, Les Républicains who judge the 2023 budget “insincere”, and on the other, the Nupes which considers that the text is a “bad budget which does not respond to the social emergency or the ecological emergency ” . In the slideshow below, discover the 10 main measures of this 2023 budget.

With ten appeals over the fall, the use of 49.3 seems unlimited. As our colleagues from Liberation remind us, the use of this article of the Constitution can indeed be used without restriction for budgetary texts as well as social security financing bills (PLFSS).

Since the constitutional revision of 2008, the tenant of Matignon can only use 49.3 once per parliamentary session for other bills.