Brussels warns US that it will approve the rate Google if there is a global agreement
Brussels warns US that it will approve the rate Google if there is a global agreement

Javier TahiriSEGUIRMadrid Updated: Save Send news by mail electrónicoTu name *

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The tax to the technological and digital services, the call “rate-Google” , has caused a pulse of geopolitics between the united States and Europe, with our country in the foreground. After the secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin, sent on Wednesday a letter to the ministers of Finance of Spain, France, Uk and Italy in which they communicated that broke the negotiations on this tax and were threatened with reprisals, the four countries responded yesterday. In a letter jointly communicated to the Government of Donald Trump that they would continue with their plans and advocated for the need to raise taxation to the tech giants.

The European Commission itself, through its commissioner of Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, warned yesterday the united States that there will be tax in the EU, negotiated or not: “we Need a tax digital adapted to the reality of the new century . It takes an understanding in the global negotiation. If the united States blocks it, the European Commission will put a new one on the table.” Brussels has already indicated some weeks ago that his idea was that the revenue from this tax community to strengthen the Budget of the EU.

The letter Mnuchin generated answers angry throughout the Old Continent. The minister of Finance, Maria Jesus Montero, drew the String to Be that it will not allow “unfair competition between traditional businesses and current” so you will approve the rate Google. And he warned that Spain “is not going to accept any kind of threat from other countries.” L at the rate Google is progressing in the Congress of Deputies and the Government wants that between the end of the year to raise 968 billion, unilaterally, to raise the pressure on the international community.

For his part, the minister of Economy, galo, Bruno Le Maire , was labeled a “provocation,” the letter of the united States and stressed that in France there will be a tax on digital services in 2020, whether or not there is international agreement. For the neighbouring country the setback is twofold: in the last Davos Forum , France froze its project of tax to the pressures of the united States to approve tariffs on products like wine gaul. In return, Trump promised to discuss the tribute. A negotiation that has now broken.

Danger of trade war

The tax was being negotiated within the OECD, of which it forms a part of the united States, and had the goal of reaching some kind of comprehensive solution this year, although the crisis of the coronavirus has expanded this term.

The OECD carried for years trying to come to an agreement to tax you more to the great technological, that make use of mechanisms of tax avoidance to reduce their tax bill up to types of 0.005%, as was the case for Apple in 2014. The European Commission, faced with the delay of the OECD, attempted to reach an agreement to encumber the technology in Europe two years ago. Then countries that were sites of great technological as Ireland opposed to the project. To be the big technological american (Google, Amazon, Apple and Facebook), the united States believes that this european tax is an attack of the EU to their interests.

“All the countries must commit to negotiate in order to reach the goal of a global solution to the end of the year “, pointed out yesterday, the secretary-general of the OECD, Angel Gurría, in reference to the united States, at the time warned that if there is a solution multilaeral “more and more countries adopt measures on their own.” “This, in turn, would trigger tax disputes and, inevitably, it would increase trade tensions . A trade war, especially in this moment, in which the world economy is going through a historic recession, would damage even more the economy, employment and confidence,” warned Gurría. The pulse is open.