Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February, the Ukrainian presidential couple have been propelled to the forefront of the international political scene. If her husband is involved on all fronts to try to improve the situation, Olena Zelenska, the First Lady of Ukraine, is not idle either and makes her voice heard to plead in favor of her people, as indicated Point.

Guest of LCI on Tuesday August 9, Volodymyr Zelensky’s wife spoke in particular about the relationship she had with Brigitte Macron, whom she has known for some time now.

“I have a very warm and very personal relationship with Brigitte Macron. I have very pleasant memories of our meeting when we first met. She was the First Lady I first met. was our first trip with Volodymyr abroad. She immediately offered to help and support me,” she explains in the interview.

If this first meeting had taken place in June 2019, the relationship between the two women was even stronger, as explained Olena Zelenska “Brigitte Macron reassured me by saying:” Do not worry, you will succeed. And thankfully, our friendship and mutual support continues even stronger despite the invasion.”

Together, they also acted for Ukraine “with her, we managed to evacuate nearly 50 children with cancer to France. She welcomed them personally at the airport in France. I would like our relations very friendly continue”, says the First Lady of Ukraine.