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Star of the cinema thanks to the feature films Les Valseuses, Jeux Interdits or La Boum, Brigitte Fossey has multiplied cinematographic projects since the beginning of her career. A life that goes by at high speed and which has pushed her to think regularly “about death”, as she had mentioned during an interview granted to Jordan de Luxe in her show on Non Stop People in June 2021.

“I tell myself that I didn’t do enough things. I regret some things, there are some people I missed. I worked all my life, I was on the roads all the time with shows or filming, even recently. And it’s true that I have the impression of not having been present enough with my family, with my friends, with my daughter”, she had declared and added: ” I try to catch up as best I can, going on a trip with them, staying two or three days with them to compensate for the lack of daily life (…) My father always said ‘we will never make up for lost time, we will never will ever make up for the times we didn’t spend together'”.

A father who lived his role in Les Valseuses very badly, as she said in an interview with Allociné in 2014. “My parents were also outraged. My father said to me: ‘There is one thing that I will never forgive you, it is for having played in Les Valseuses”. A sulphurous role that she has never regretted. “As an actress, I made this choice because the script was excellent, the director and the actors wonderful. I also told myself that when you were an actress, you had to play everything or go back to Carmel. .. I did not hesitate for a second”.

Planet invites you to discover the recent photos of the actress who celebrated her 76th birthday on June 15, 2022.