Brexit agreement under the house in front of the 21st century January vote
Brexit agreement under the house in front of the 21st century January vote

The British Prime Minister, Theresa May wants to exit the Parliament its agreement to the EU up to 21. January submit it to a vote. The vote in the lower house would be “in front of the 21. January“, said Mays speaker on Tuesday in London. May campaigned on Tuesday for his EU colleagues to concessions to a defeat in the Parliament to avert. Brussels rejects renegotiations, see, according to EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, but room for “clarifications”.

originally scheduled for this past Tuesday’s planned vote on the Brexit agreement in the house of Commons had to be postponed to May on Monday in anticipation of a certain defeat. For Thursday, EU Council President Donald Tusk called for a Brexit summit in Brussels. The British house of Commons after the summit, only three session days this year, and comes between the age of 20. December and 7. January, not together.

The German-spoken foreign trade Association BGA has, in connection with the Brexit from an unprecedented Disaster. “What a mess,” said BGA President Holger Bing man on Tuesday. Only three months prior to the reporting date, the company does not know still what come to them and how it should go.”The next wave of Brexit-quake continue to roll on both sides of the channel,” the Bing man.

The Ifo Institute, however, requires renegotiation of the Brexit agreement. “This must be done in order to prevent the Deal falls through. It must also be for the United Kingdom acceptable,“ said Ifo researcher Gabriel Felbermayr on Tuesday in Munich. The statement of the EU Commission agree that the present state of “the best Deal, and the only possible Deal,”added the head of the Ifo center for international Economics. “Figures from the Ifo Institute show that a hard Brexit for both sides is associated with significant costs, even if of great Britain and Northern Ireland lose economically more than the other 27 members of the EU.”

with the Brexit, the value of EU membership for the other members of the sinking. This loss exceeds the previously reported totals. The United Kingdom is the second largest economic power in the EU. Its membership in the European customs Union, the bargaining power of the EU in international negotiations considerably, for example with China or the United States.”A study by the Ifo Institute with the University of Keio in Tokyo has, for example, that the EU-Japan agreement without the UK for Japan is 13 percent less than with,” said Felbermayr.

Brussels, Berlin and Paris reject renegotiation

the appliance in addition to the Brexit, the carefully balanced power relationship between the members of the EU falter. Germany lost an important ally for free trade. The proponents of a protectionist trade policy would, however, be strengthened. Felbermayr added: “Therefore, it would be necessary from a German and a European point of view, the UK a political voice in the common commercial policy. This could be linked to a voting right in the relevant bodies of the Council and the European Parliament.“