Spanish rescuers have discovered in the night of Saturday the corpse of the two-year-old boy in the borehole, in which he was 13 days ago overthrown. In vain the whole country had hoped with the parents of Julen for a miracle. During the 300-hour search, however, it was increasingly unlikely. The mountain in the vicinity of Málaga did not want to give the boys free.
Hans-Christian Rößler
Political correspondent for the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb, with its headquarters in Madrid.
F. A. Z.
Eight Asturian miners needed for the last 3.8 meters, which they dug from the parallel rescue shaft in a well 70 meters deep to the hole at the end more than 30 hours. Several times had to help the special forces of the police, with explosives hard Rock wegsprengten. Before the completion of the rescue shaft through which the miners went in a specially designed capsule into the depth had been delayed for almost two days. Outstanding rock prevented that the metal tubes were introduced, which stabilize the walls. Only around 1.25 am on early Saturday morning, sad certainty no longer existed, that Julen lived: Spain is in mourning.
parents suffering
The Boy had fallen on the penultimate Sunday during a family outing in the only 25-centimeter-wide borehole, which was apparently secured, but only partially with stones examined; with the illegal drilling had been looking for water. Before Julen, the parents had already lost a son who had died nearly three years ago to sudden cardiac death. As the miners began their work, let the parents tell that they have hope, their child alive again, to be abandoned “any time”.
he was a trapped miner, you will not be let back in the old days, had promised the Asturian salvage specialists. “Julen belongs to all of us, all of us are his parents,” it said in solidarity apellen in Spain. Early Saturday morning, couple of nothing remained to the Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, and the king other than the parents to Express their condolences and to thank the search teams.
more than 300 rescuers who worked day and night, had left no stone unturned. Originally they wanted to build three rescue additions: Two parallel to the borehole and a horizontal gear from the side of the slope. Then the vertical shaft, the miners made use of now was challenge enough. Valuable time passed in order to transport the heavy equipment into the remote area and to bring the slope into position. According to information, the use of wire 40,000 cubic metres were moved soil excavated and 82,000 cubic metres of the earth’s surface.