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Books tips for reading day – ears on

Books tips for reading day – ears aufAnlässlich of today’s Swiss text-to-speech tags, we have book dealers and retailers, according to your tips – and your own memories. Jean-Marc Nia0 KommentareDas is already beautiful. But how much beautiful the duellists, the book does not itself hold?Image: Annie Spratt Own cosmos

Marion Arnold: a bookseller / children’s book store, upper dorfstr. 32, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland

The “Jim Knopf”-books by Michael ende. I like the dense atmosphere, this own cosmos, with all its fantastic creatures.
I have read the “Rico, Oskar”- books by Andreas Steinhöfel like mad. The main characters grow a instantly to the heart. Rico, the deeply gifted, but life is a practical, Young, and highly intelligent Oskar, not from real life much the idea. You can also laugh as an adult a lot, which I think is enormously important.
spent In the Winter, we have a whole afternoon on the bed of my brother and a book to get for the other from our mother read aloud.

Outside, the world is waiting

Ruth Schildknecht: co-owner
bookstore Nievergelt, Franklinstr. 23, 8050 Zurich

“Rigo and Rosa”. Great Pauli and beautifully written by Lorenz illustrated by Kathrin Schärer. Here is told about the friendship of a mouse and a caged leopard, and much more. Always works and makes the reading adult is just as Fun.
“A great day in which almost nothing happened” by Beatrice Alemagna. A child hangs on the screen, and the exciting world outside the door. Big Reading Cinema.
My parents grew up on the farm. So rather education open and distance. I was not to be read. The need to pay for my children now. You will be a lot of read – to the enjoyment of all Involved.

Rigo and Rosa share about God and the world.Image: © 2016 Atlantis, Zurich, all of the emotions

Sabine Haarmann: branch Manager
Orell Füssli Kramhof, Füsslistr. 4, 8022 Zurich

I can’t decide between my two favorites are “The secret garden” by Frances Hodgson Burnett and “The brothers Lionheart” by Astrid Lindgren.
“mouse and mole, two very special friends,” by Joyce Dunbar and James Mayhew. A very touching and exciting story about two unlikely friends, a summer full of adventure through life. And it shows that every Problem has only one solution.
My grandmother read to me each evening, when she has me guarded, the “Bambi”series by Felix Salten. Because of the whole range of the emotions put in there. This has me Packed and marked.

leech therapy assistant

Mey Sayed: bookseller
bookstore in the people’s house, STAUFF acherstr. 60, 8004 Zürich

“Begel, the flukes” by Nele Brönner. A very bizarre story about a leech, who works as a therapy assistant in a veterinary practice. A picture book with powerful illustrations.
The book “The cat, it is no matter” by Franz Orghandl deals with an important topic: Jennifer, who used to be Leo, and now much better, have to make the adult aware of. Super to Read aloud and Discuss what makes always the most Fun.
My mother would read to me every Sunday fables, and Say from the Arab region. You had to read to me always made of the same soon collapsed book.

away with the poison

Delia Huber: bookseller
bookstore on Hottinger space, Hottingerstr. 44, 8032 Zürich

“The big book of Vamperl” by Renate Welsh. The Vamperl sucks to the people of the venom from the bile and makes less fight. The wonderful adventures not only entertain children.
“Rodrigo roughneck and Peck, Squire” by Wieland Freund, Michael and illustrations by Regina Kehn. The
humorous knight adventure to build a child-friendly tension and elicits the majority of listeners: “A Chapter.”
not only listening, but also sharing of images, Learn new words and Philosophize was to Read for me. So from the Reading later, even a common read was.

For each child

Janka Wüest: business Manager
book shop Bodmer, Stadelhoferstr. 34, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland

“The Lindgren the children of noisy village” by Astrid Lindgren. Wonderful stories about six children, the experience of adventure. Each child can get to know one of the main characters again.
“Theo and HAInz” by Iris Muhl and Daniela Rütimann. A water-shy Boy discovered in his bathtub HAInz, a short-sighted shark. The book is told with a large pinch of Humor, loving from the everyday life of a little boy.
I Often have asked me at the end of reading aloud to sleep so I had to carry my father in my bed.

hot-tempered, generous, brave, stubborn, kind-hearted: This is Madita.Image: © Oetinger Verlag Swedish

Laura: bookseller
bookstore sec52, Josefstr. 52, 8005 Zürich

“Madita” Lindgren, Astrid. As a child, I could identify myself with this girl. And with the book, I learned Swedish!
as soon As my nephew is big enough, I’ll read it to him the seasons of the year-books by Kazuo Iwamura, they are already ready.
I was as the Oldest of three siblings, often too old to read books, but I didn’t care. I remember that I was amused by the reactions of the adults Read aloud. These Places in the books have remained until today in the memory.

many tears

Walter Reimann: owner
Buchhandlung Hirslanden, Freiestr. 221, 8032 Zürich

The sad-beautiful dog story “Fridolin” by Franz Caspar. The Dackel Fridolin gets a red leather collar as a present, and loses it again. When you find he experienced a lot of adventure.
In “Yeshi” by Gabriela Kasperski is being bullied by a dark-skinned refugee girls in school. Is it the skin color? Or because their parents want to separate? A dedicated book on current topics.
My mother had me read “Fridolin” often, and I had to cry every Time.

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