resim 369
resim 369

The American army turned to Bombardier’s Global 6500 to set up an aerial detection and surveillance program, called HADES.

The announcement comes barely a month after the Canadian government rejected Bombardier’s plea for an open tender to replace the Royal Canadian Air Force’s CP-140 Auroras. The contract was awarded to its American rival Boeing.

As part of this agreement, the price of which was not revealed by Washington, the Quebec aircraft manufacturer could deliver up to three copies of its private jet.

The HADES program consists of setting up an aerial surveillance and reconnaissance platform. The Global 6500 was chosen as the prototype device. It will be equipped with sensors and detection systems. “The program will make it possible to fly at higher altitudes than older turboprop (propeller) aircraft platforms,” says Colonel Joe Minor, in a press release. A higher altitude increases detection capabilities. »

Bombardier wants to increase its exposure to the defense sector. The company would eventually like to generate annual revenues of around US$1 billion from this niche. Bombardier coveted a lucrative contract to replace the Royal Canadian Air Force’s anti-submarine surveillance and patrol aircraft. Ottawa instead opted for a no-tender contract with Boeing for its Poseidon P-8A, an aircraft already in service and capable of launching torpedoes.