BNEW will be a show with 4 stages from Barcelona to the world
BNEW will be a show with 4 stages from Barcelona to the world

JUAN CARLOS VALEROBARCELONA Updated: Save Send news by mail electrónicoTu name *

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In the confinement demonstrated the utility of 3D printing that performs the incubator that houses the Consorci of the Zona Franca of Barcelona (CZFB), which was designed and manufactured respirator in the heart of one of the biggest industrial parks in Spain. “In the south of Europe there is not a business location just as powerful, next to the port, the airport, in the middle of the conurbation of metropolitan barcelona”, says the representative of the Government in the CZFB, Pere Navarro.

—what is 3D printing already is not a technique unknown to the general public?

—When we opened in April, 2019, the incubator of startups in 3D printing, is considered a technology that is curious or funny, because you made a figurine of yours to scale. Suddenly, with the health emergency, it was learned that is designed, manufactured and distributed in record time, respirators.

—how Many companies hatch now?

—next week we will have 40 companies that are incubating in our facilities, we have had to expand physically by dedicating another wing of the building, because they did not fit.

—How has been adapted to the CZFB to eseta exceptional situation of the Covid?

—we Talked with all the companies that are in the polygon of the Zona Franca to ask them how they were, both health and financially, and we offered to channel their business proposals to the Government, included in the battery of decrees were carried out. Faced with the difficulty of the treasury in some, we agreed to defer the income so that you can pay them in installments starting next year.

—Will there be any fairs this year?

—This year can not to do trade shows, because they are based on the physical contact of the people. That’s why we have “invented” the Barcelona New Economy Week (BNEW) after deferring to the next year, the International living Room of the Logistics (SIL), the e, the Barcelona Meeting Point and the SIL of the Americas. BNEW is our obligation to be present with a positive speech. From 6 to 9 October we will be celebrating this new event with five vertical shafts, of which one league with the fairs that we had planned and others have to do with the digital industry, the D-Factory and the economic zones, because that is what we are the export processing zones, industrial parks and scientists.

—What are the features of BNEW?

—That is hybrid, that is to say, that you can follow online and face-to-face in scenarios that are unique to four emblematic buildings of Barcelona: the Station of France, Home Seat, at the confluence of Paseo de Gracia with Diagonal, the headquarters of Telefónica in Catalonia square and Mails in front of the port. In these buildings we will get studios to broadcast the show live around the world, especially to Europe, Africa and America, given time zones

BNEW is B2B physical and digital Logistics, Real Estate, Industry, Digital, Ecommerce and Economic Zones

—what technology do they have?

—We are building a new digital platform with Sirt, partner of Cisco, so that the result is attractive, entertaining and that the screen does not get tired. We will offer something nice, spectacular;in short, a show in the best sense of the word. The attendees face-to-face and virtual will find different sensations. That’s why the studios are going to be equipped with technologies are very sophisticated, such as holograms. And there will be interviews with characters of first level world.

—what there will Also be conferences?

—Yes, we prepare up to 400 interventions, in Spanish and English, in addition to 12 conference inspirational of six women and many other men, who will speak, for example, how to deal with change in the era post covid.

—Seems to be a series of webinars…

—At all. Will have nothing to do, because the conference will be very dynamic, with times of intervention to be limited and things happen to you. Each dialog will have a facilitator to stimulate the discussion. There is also the business network, a program that lets you talk with whomever you want, by quoting it to a private room for meetings, as occurs in the fairs that give a lot of cards. BNEW open business advantage. And, in addition, we will do activities, cultural and gastronomic in Barcelona.

—what Are you the economic arm of the Government of Spain in Catalonia?

—We have a vocation of leadership, economic and industrial, in a moment of transformation in which, from the public sector, we want to highlight the Barcelona metropolitan region for people to have opportunities. In addition to investments, we also participate actively in the discussions and reflections on where we are and where we are going. In June, 2019, we organize simultaneously seven international events around the World Congress of Free Zones and we put Barcelona on the world map of global commerce. And we want to continue to do so with BNEW.

—When did you open the first phase of the D-Factory?

—At the end of the year there will already be people working on the first 17,000 square feet of a building whose “hall” of entry will have a small museum of what we did to combat the Covid, because we will not forget that the cathedral of the industrial of the TWENTY-first century has been born during the pandemic. The space, which will have 90,000 square feet, is inspired by the ancient shipyards of Brooklyn and the work will alternate with the coexistence between a lot of green. Blend innovation centers of large enterprises with smes.

Business in a hybrid environment

—Barcelona New Economy Week (BNEW) will be an event hybrid, face-to-face and online. Will we be able to do business?

—of course. In addition to the dialogues between the characters and the discussions of the panels produced live from the studios, all of the attendees, both in person and distant, will be able to participate with questions. Also may cite in private rooms for meetings, because the event is especially aimed at professionals with the goal of establishing business networks. The technology platform will generate a “networking” among the participants with agendas B2B using algorithms based on artificial intelligence, in addition to digital experiences in spaces made with augmented reality and experiences face-to-face with sets that used holograms. The difference is that fairs tend to be sectoral, but BNEW pivotará in five areas linked by the new economy.