
Exploring the Intersection of Art and Artificial Intelligence at the International Digital Art Biennale

For its 25th anniversary, ELEKTRA is celebrating with the 7th International Digital Art Biennale (BIAN) by addressing issues of misinformation and deepfakes that challenge reality in our societies. This year’s theme, Illusion, curated by Alain Thibault, aims to engage visitors in a reflection on the blurred lines between truth and falsehood in a world increasingly influenced by technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI).

While AI has become ubiquitous in our daily lives over the past two years, its impact on the art world is also significant. The 41 works by 36 artists showcased at the Arsenal contemporary art space in Montreal explore the convergence of visual and digital arts, showcasing how AI is integrated into artistic creations as a tool or even a collaborator.

Thibault emphasizes the importance of digital art in shaping our perception of new technologies, challenging the boundaries of AI and embracing glitches to develop unique artistic expressions. The projects featured in this edition offer a refreshing perspective on AI, moving away from pessimism and dystopia often associated with the technology. Artists are using AI tools in innovative ways, contrary to the mainstream approach of removing imperfections.

From controversial photographs to interactive installations, the dialogue between AI and artists is evident throughout the exhibition. Works like “Voice Scroll” by David Rokeby and “A Monocular Dialogue” by Louis-Philippe Demers demonstrate the creative possibilities of AI in transforming voice inputs into panoramic images and engaging in conversations with visitors, respectively.

The Biennale showcases a variety of technologies, including videos, sound art, robotics, morphing, and 3D, with AI playing a subtle yet significant role in many projects. Artists like Nicolas Baier and Navid Navab use AI to create intriguing visual environments that blur the line between past and future, offering visitors a unique sensory experience.

As Montreal serves as the focal point of this year’s Biennale, showcasing the work of talented local artists alongside international contributors, visitors can expect to discover a diverse range of artistic expressions that push the boundaries of traditional art forms. From augmented reality experiences to interactive installations, the exhibition promises an immersive and thought-provoking journey into the world of digital art.

Don’t miss the chance to explore the 7th International Digital Art Biennale – Illusion at the Arsenal contemporary art space until July 21st. Experience a captivating fusion of art and technology that challenges perceptions and stimulates creativity.

Explore the ELEKTRA website for more information about the Biennale and related events.