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For the 15 million retirees who receive a basic pension each month, the payment of their pension will be postponed for four dates in 2024. Indeed, while the pension is usually paid monthly on the 9th of the month, in the event of a weekend or public holiday, transfer days change. During this year, also a leap year, several dates will therefore be modified and you will receive your pension four times in advance. Explanations.

For retirees, the payment of the basic pension is an essential moment of the month. If the end of a career is often greeted with a mixture of worry and serenity, it is essential in a period of life often marked by a loss of resources. It is therefore essential to obtain this sum of money on a fixed date to be able to maintain undeniable comfort of life and the assurance of a balance at the time of retirement. These payments will, however, be postponed to 2024, due to public holidays and weekends.

In 2024, your retirement pension will arrive, in certain months, a little early. Thus, the December pension is paid in January, on the 9th of the month, but, from March onwards, it will be received earlier than expected. According to the Pension Insurance rule: “We pay your pension to your bank on the 9th of each month. If the 9th is a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, we pay it on the first working day preceding or following.” In March, the basic retirement pension will be paid on March 8.

During the year 2024, your retirement pension will arrive, four times, in advance. In March, it will be paid on the 8th of the month while it will be collected on May 7 or June 7 for the spring months. Another payment will also be made on the 8th of the month next November.

In Alsace-Moselle, your pension is paid on the 1st day of the month of the monthly payment concerned (or on the first working day following, if it is a Saturday, Sunday or ‘a holiday). In January, it was paid on the 2nd of the month while it will be paid on February 1st for the following month.

Compared to the basic pension, the supplementary pension does not have the same payment rate. In the case of the Agirc-Arrco pension, it is paid at the start of the month for the current month. The same system is planned for the basic pension of former civil servants (SRE).

For example, in January 2024, if you are a former private sector employee, you will receive your supplement on January 2 for the month of January. Your basic pension will then be paid on January 9 for the month of December. Dates to note precisely to be informed of payments received during the year 2024.