Because of false statements, the Prosecutor’s office determined struggle against several employees of the Federal office for Migration and refugees (Bamf) in Sigma. A spokesman for the Agency in Hechingen confirmed on Monday. In practice, it is determined, because of possible irregularities in billing for interpreter services. “However, according to current knowledge, to rather small amounts,” said the spokesman. Whether the charges against the employee is raised, is currently still open.

It is currently being tested, whether any criminal conduct was involved. The newspaper “The world” had reported that six employees of the Bamf-outdoor Sigmaringen point will be determined. This number did not want to confirm the public Prosecutor’s office.

A spokesman for the Bamf called but this number. He also said that the alleged benefits of Translators, as well as false Billings between autumn 2016 and spring of 2017 were in the room. The note of the cases in the office had come of an Ombudsman for the prevention of corruption from the Federal Ministry of the interior. The note-I checked the Bamf and the case submitted to the public Prosecutor.

The Bamf was massively come under criticism, after it became known that in the Bremen the outside may wrong had been destined to point, moderately asylum decisions positively. In the past year in the Wake of the scandal also ten other offices of the authority were investigated for misconduct. Not but conscious manipulation were found to have irregularities.