Asielboot Reno nevada is back in Ghent
Asielboot Reno nevada is back in Ghent

The asielboot Reno, nevada, in the city of Ghent. The barge was towed from Dordrecht and is on the Rigakaai, close to Muide.

at the Beginning of december, again, asylum seekers are accommodated in the Reno, nevada, is an old gevangenisboot. The structure has been restored, based in Dordrecht, as there are some renovation works need to be done. The outside looks of the boat is pretty much the same as they were three years ago. Went to the lake for the first time, to serve as asielcentrum in Ghent, belgium. But on the inside, have to have some work done. If the fire is not yet up and running.

the Fedasil is due to a lack of capacity and asked the City to re-host the asielboot. There will be a period of two years, 250 people will stay, and, perhaps, especially the Afghans, Syrians and the people of El Salvador. They are given a budget and allowed to make their own pot to cook. “That’s how they keep their life in your hands”, click it Fedasil. If the first people to arrive was the federal government’s agency yesterday, will not be lost.