As for a Museum the Venice inlet is allowed to demand money from tourists
As for a Museum the Venice inlet is allowed to demand money from tourists

Venice may in the future collect a kind of entrance fee from tourists. The revised budget of the Italian government, which was adopted by the Parliament in Rome. Visitors could then pay for it depending on the season between € 2.50 and a maximum of 10 Euro for the visit to the lagoon city. Venice has been fighting for years against the tourist rush and tried again and again with different strategies to keep the masses in check.

The measure should relate only to day-trippers. Hotel guests pay to date a local tax. To pay the new amount might be about the means of transport such as buses or cruise ships, which bring the travelers to the city.

It would now be considered well-balanced rules that “protect those who in our region to live, study or work,” tweeted Venice mayor Luigi Brugnaro on Sunday evening. The money is to be used primarily for the cleaning of the city. The hotel Association Federalberghi, said that it is fair, if not only hotel guests pay the “bill”. “Our cities are not museums And in museums, it is right to buy a ticket,” said Association President Bernabò Bocca, the news Agency Ansa.