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With the development of artificial intelligence, the labor market is at a turning point. Some companies will soon be faced with a dilemma: keep their workforce or automate certain positions with a much more productive artificial intelligence? The two obvious advantages of this one are its low cost and its lack of constraints. This is why the association of the world of work with artificial intelligence raises great concerns, especially for employees, who feel a real threat.

Some reports are indeed disturbing. According to the American bank Goldman Sachs, nearly 300 million jobs are likely to be replaced by artificial intelligence in the next few years. The main trades most affected would be office and administrative tasks. Conversely, logically, the construction and maintenance trades should be spared. According to the same organization, a destruction of 83 million jobs should occur over the next five years, while 69 million jobs could be created.

Most of the specialists interviewed expect changes in the professions in the face of artificial intelligence: “I think that in the vast majority of cases, we will create intelligent assistants that transform jobs. Obviously, there are a certain number of cases, where it is people who are hired in very repetitive jobs. In these cases, it is clear that their job is threatened. Now, what is the proportion of people in this case? I think that it is a low proportion”, as indicated by Vincent Guige, lecturer and professor at AgroParis Tech for France Info. Regarding the figures for the destruction of jobs, the studies are not completely unanimous. However, AI will certainly lead to a considerable transformation of the job market. Companies and employees will have to adapt to this major technological revolution.

OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, has unveiled a list of 34 professions that can never be replaced by AI, according to it. Find 10 of them in our slideshow below.