ARD series Rocco Schiavone He sends you all to hell
ARD series Rocco Schiavone He sends you all to hell

The ARD has published today an Italian crime series in the program, whose legal title is an impertinence. “The Commissioner and the Alps” is the name of the First. In the Original it bears the name of the main character: “Rocco Schiavone”. The fits, because it goes to the Commissioner and the Vice-Questore, who moved from Rome to Aosta valley criminal, and around which the whole story developed. But it’s not about the Alpine glow, the “mountain doctor” or “For heaven’s sake”-joy, the marks next to the “scene of the crime,” the second state of mind, the the First and the Second your viewers confidence: Holy lack of seriousness for a peaceful Break in front of the TV.

Michael Hanfeld

responsible editor for the features section Online and “media”.

F. A. Z.

So much for “The Commissioner and the Alps”! For the Rocco Schiavone has no views. Him shiver, not only of the weather conditions. Neighbors, his Team, the boss, all to ensure that the Commissioner proposes to the collar of his Lodenmantels high and in his winter boots morosely trudges away. If need be, he climbs out the window of his office to smoke on the porch a Joint in peace. Or a tobacco cigarette Schiavone has not almost always in the corner of his mouth, his mood brightens, however. Schiavone is a bad-tempered cynic who does, in word and deed everything that you wonder: Is this a joke, or the man is rocked actually so down and such a unpleasant?

He also has little reason to be happy. His Team acts as if they’re all Individual, just like Schiavone, criminal added. A PANOPTICON protrude the Inept, Frustrated, and Loaded, the only Ispettora Caterina Rispoli (Claudia Vismara) and the assistant Italo Pierron (Ernesto D’argenio). With its rugged type Schiavone fits quite well to the squad, with no illusions about the limits of their possibilities. A murder can you clarify that, as in the first case, a man who was run over by a snowcat, but at the latest when the Mafia is behind the crime, or the Italian secret service has its Finger in the game, the success of the investigation is anything other than guaranteed.