The apple is savored in all seasons, even if its best flavors come at the dawn of spring. It has been a remedy of choice since Antiquity, used for its many virtues. As the famous saying goes, “eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Many varieties of apples exist and they are consumable in different ways. Raw, cooked, in alcohol or macerated in the form of vinegar.

Rich in water, fiber, pectins, the apple contains many minerals and many vitamins. It is a muscle tonic since its properties promote the urinary elimination of water and mineral salts. It is also a good help for colds, for stomach problems or for the liver. When consumed frequently, it can reduce respiratory problems or asthma.

It is recommended in case of physical and intellectual fatigue. It is interesting for all types of profiles: person in convalescence, overwork, anemic, rheumatic, demineralized terrain or for all intestinal disorders. The skin is edible, provided that it has not been sprinkled with pesticides because the apple is one of the fruits that absorbs them the most. It is therefore preferable to consume it organic to avoid these products harmful to health.

A trend that is confirmed over the months, the organic sector is strongly impacted by inflation. According to Agence Bio, the share of regular consumers fell by 16% in 2022. Too high prices scare away customers, hence the lack of organic products in our fridges or in our cupboards.

Labels have occupied an important place in consumer choice for several years. However, there are so many that the potential customer ends up giving up. A loss of confidence turns out to be more and more consequent towards these innumerable certifications. “There are a lot of them. We were used to the simple European green logo. Above all, more communication is needed. Consumers do not necessarily know the difference between these labels. as arborist Audrey Piazza says for France Bleu.

Discover now 6 tips for reusing your apple peelings, in our slideshow below from the how-to-save site!