resim 220
resim 220

Faced with the increase in generalized prices, it was time to act and offer solutions to the French. Indeed, according to INSEE figures, over one year, consumer prices increased by 2.9% in January 2022, after 2.8% the previous month. This rise in inflation would result from an acceleration in the prices of energy, services and – to a lesser extent – ​​food.

For some families, the situation becomes catastrophic, some have even started stealing from supermarkets to be able to eat properly. Moreover, according to the latest data from the Ministry of the Interior, there is a 14% increase in the number of complaints for theft last year.

This inflation basket could well become the solution to relieve the French in their daily lives. Moreover, according to a survey carried out on our site, you are 71% to want to take advantage of it as soon as it is set up.

The objective for the Government with this anti-inflation basket is to “ensure that the French can have attractive prices on a daily basket” specifies the minister at the microphone of Europe 1 before adding: “I have at heart that there are also quality products, fresh, organic products and that it is not only a basket at low prices, but a daily basket.”

If the discussions are still in progress with the large distribution, the minister assured that the French will have access to fifty daily products from the month of March and for a period of 3 months.

She also clarified that the right to competition will be preserved and that it was not the government that was going to set the prices and also announced “And if the prices are low, it is not on the back of our farmers or our producers that these margins must be found”.

Here is a summary of the anti-inflation basket operation proposed by the government.