
Unlocking India’s Critical Minerals Potential in Kazakhstan

India’s quest for critical minerals to power its electric vehicles has taken it to far-off Latin America. However, the solution to India’s mineral needs may actually be found much closer to home, in Kazakhstan – India’s extended neighbourhood.

At the 14th Astana Mining and Metallurgy (AMM) congress in Astana, the focus was on the vast reserves of critical minerals in Kazakhstan. The country, known for its abundance of oil and uranium, also boasts significant deposits of minerals crucial for India’s clean energy ambitions.

Kazakhstan’s Minister of Industry and Construction, Kanat Sharlapaev, highlighted the country’s pivotal role in the production and supply of critical minerals. Kazakhstan is a major player in the global supply chain, with significant production of beryllium, scandium, tantalum, and complex metals. The country accounts for a substantial portion of the world’s production of uranium, copper, aluminum, zinc, and lead.

Moreover, Kazakhstan prides itself on not just being a repository of minerals, but a leading producer as well. The country’s mining sector is supported by a skilled workforce of over 200,000 people, with a strong focus on developing local talent.

With India recently acquiring management rights of Chabahar Port, there is potential for a streamlined transport corridor for critical minerals from Kazakhstan to India. This strategic partnership could significantly benefit India’s clean energy goals and reduce its dependence on distant sources of minerals.

In conclusion, Kazakhstan’s rich mineral reserves and expertise in mining present a promising opportunity for India to meet its critical mineral requirements and advance its green energy agenda. By tapping into Kazakhstan’s resources in its extended neighbourhood, India can secure a sustainable and reliable supply of essential minerals for the future.