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For several weeks, the children of actor Alain Delon have continued to tear each other apart in the media. Anthony Delon, the 88-year-old actor’s eldest son, has made numerous interviews and shocking statements in the media. Since his interview with Paris Match in which he accuses Anouchka Delon of endangering his father, nothing is going well within the siblings.

“It’s hard to say it, but my sister was an accomplice to Hiromi Rollin. If we had known [about the tests, editor’s note], we would have acted sooner in the Rollin affair. We would have included them in the complaint”, he declared immediately on the CNews set. Accusations which pushed his sister to file a complaint against him and to speak on the TF1 television news on December 7.

“Since my father’s stroke, my brothers and I have had access to the same information […] I did not lie, I was not aware of these results. It only belongs to us father”, she declared and added: “I wanted to kill myself. There, I’m telling you because it’s something that’s been preventing me from sleeping for three days because I refuse to be smeared like that, to be called manipulative or a liar.”

A few minutes after the end of his televised intervention, his brother Alain-Fabien Delon broke the silence by revealing an audio recorded without his knowledge in which we hear him speaking to Alain Delon. “They are burying me and you are being taken for an idiot. Above all, you have to be wary,” she declared and added: “The trap will close on you”. Comments which also pushed the young man to file a complaint against Anouchka Delon for “abuse of weakness”.

This January 12, 2024, BFMTV was able to consult text messages supposedly exchanged between Anouchka Delon and her brother Anthony which occurred before this family quarrel. In these conversations, Alain Delon’s children would have expressed themselves about the possibility of stopping his medical treatment. Discover them in pictures in our slideshow.