resim 195
resim 195

South Tyrol’s glaciers received an above-average amount of snow this year. Up to 40 percent more than normal.

The annual “glacier inspection” by the State Office for Hydraulic Engineering and Hydrology has shown that the average amount of snow on the glaciers on the main Alpine ridge and in the Ortler region is 20 to 40 percent above the norm. It is said that the surplus is particularly high compared to the long-term averages, especially in the southwest of South Tyrol.

The measured snow amounts give hope that there will be no negative records this year like in 2023 and 2022, according to the experts.

The measurements, which are largely carried out by the Office for Civil Protection with the support of the State Forestry Directorate, are of great importance, as the director of the office, Klaus Unterweger, explains to “Südtirol News”.

They provide information about the so-called mass balance of glaciers, which is considered an important indicator of climate change. If the ice giants slowly retreat, it is a clear sign that our climate is out of balance.

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