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The love, the passion of love and its consequences , are core issues, and very present in the poetic work and ensayística of the recent award of Princess of Asturias of the Letters. Carson has been analyzed, especially, through the heroines of fiction: from Helena of Troy, Dido, Beatrice, Laura, Bobary, Karenina or Albertine , in literature; but it has also been used to heroines film embodied in the Italian cinema and French from the mid to the end of the last century, by Monica Vitti (through the films of Antonioni), or Bardot-Seberg (through the films of Godard). Assumption of these lives female of fiction and reality as if she same the out all. That is why Eros, the poetry of desire is an essential book to understand her as a woman and a writer.

Love, hate, desires, compatible, most of the time; and other incompatible. Carson puts some examples taken from the Greek poets. Homer in the Iliad (III, 414-415) displays the dispute between Helena and Eros . The goddess Aphrodite claiming to be the lover of Paris more dedication sexual towards the trojan. Helena not too long ago, and before the complaints renewed your raptor to the goddess, Aphrodite yells and warns you, seriously, to the beautiful girl. Between love and hate there is a small alley that cuts through easily.

Between love and hate there is a blind spot that nobody knows about, but that there is . And once pierced, the hatred, the bitterness weighs more, is more indestructible, is more unshakable and restful. Love-hate a step away from each other. “If you love me, you hate me, and if you hate me, love me;/so if you don’t hate me, dear, ¡no me ames!” (Antología palatina, XI, 252). Few lines express so well the love, the two possibilities of Eros: love-hate. Cátulo from the classic Roma returned to this same debate in the epigram 85. Do you Eros a torture? Does a prohibition whose breach leads to that autotortura?

Zelos in Greek, suspicion , interest fervent, fear, instability, resentment. Sometimes a ruse between the beloved and the lover. I would say a trick how known or unknown? A provocation. Love, hate, jealousy, absence. Eros is also absence. How to pursue Eros, or forget it? How to cover that absence, space blinded of that absence? Hiding it, till he was ashamed, raptándolo as in ancient times it was symbolically in the wedding, as there was no more will that of one of the parties.

The one who loves is worth more

Search for the desire, rejection, satisfaction. What is consumed by the desire? If you hit to answer most of the poets, that’s why it must defend its inaccessibility, that is to say, their presence and absence at the same time. There is a gap -match Anne Carson to discover it – that is the subject of the actual majority of the love poems. It is not the beloved, but that hole, that locus. is Eros is exhausted filling in all the other shortcomings of the lovers , Eros is expropriating a part of himself, and tries to avoid the selfishness of both parties: claim all that the ego likes as his own, and to reject all that the ego dislikes as not yours.

what The one who loves is stronger, worth more? I think as Nietzsche yes it is. But according to Carson, for the Greek poets there is a loss of the self, and there is much rejoicing. This is expressed through metaphors of war, disease, disintegration of the body. Eros, usually to the classical poets Greek , and for almost all times, is a terrible experience. Eros is hostile in its intention and detrimental in their effects.

they Are very interesting and insightful comments on the relationship between the invention of Eros in classical Greece and their coincidence with the development of writing and literacy. The lyric poets have always spoken of the love as something that assaults or invades the body of the one who loves to wrest control . The writing, compared to orality, expressed ideas, described events, the written words acquired energy and life and believed that it would control better the Eros of oral. It was not so, Eros continued to grow, in its multiplicity of forms, in their metamorphosis permanent . The writing gave it more wings, in this I do not agree with Anne Carson. is Arquíloco first, or one of the first lyric poets, refers to the chest and, therefore, the vital breath that causes Eros “as lust for love enveloped me the heart…”. Lust, darkness, breath, nonsense. Without the organ of the breath, speech is impossible. The breath is the consciousness, the perception, the emotion, the words, the thoughts, the understanding. Lover-reader. Eros is the breath of desire. A reader will also want to know to through the nose, the ear, the tongue, the skin, like a lover.

What do you want the lover the love poetry classical Greek?, ask Anne Carson. You want the beloved (heterosexual and homosexual) but also feels prevention towards him for the pain that it can cause.

The lovers need to be heard and not destroyed . Need that the imaginary being which have been built, one to the other, melt with the real unknown. is to Seduce, to woo, to pretend . Both the mind and the seductive aim to get from what is known and effectively real to something different. What do you want the lover’s love? Pleasure and pain. Is not that what you want, I add I, but that is implicit. A pain reversible, not final, away from death.

Eros and writing

This relationship between Eros and the writing is extraordinarily well explained by Anne Carson in the Iliad with the story of Bellerophon. Young woman of exceptional beauty, exiled for murder, and is welcomed by the king Preto Efira , loved dearly by the wife of his host, Antea , that he rejects and causes and their persecution (such as Joseph in Egypt) by the jealous cheated. Preto sent him to Lycia with a mission that he says is crucial. There he is ruling his father-in-law that opens the letter handed to him (why not he opened before?) where is written your death sentence. Eros carries in his hands something unknown to you, you want to know, trust in that distrust, and that can be deadly. Surprised explains Bellerophon that that is a lie. The sister of Antea in love with the hero what you think and also your father the king. Always create a hero. Eros loves the conflict, and delights in its paradoxical results.

Love and seduction

For Anne Carson, the language shows the structure of desire, but neither is able to explain its origin, development and results. The goddess Peito was in charge of the rhetoric and of the art of seduction. The words that we read and we write never say exactly what we mean. is The people we love never conforms to how we want to . Seduce your lover, seducing the writer to reach the unknown. Aristotle claimed that all human beings want to know; only Eros is sufficient in itself, unknown to itself, it ignores himself giving in to his action.

Eros is, above all, warmth but Anne Carson reminds us in Sophocles , The lovers of Achilles, he compares it also with the ice. Lovers hate at the time, but know how to wait, always waiting. In that waiting is the true love, because its non-consummation does not disappoint, does not produce evil. Wait is also love. is Barthes warned us in Fragments of a loving speech that the lover contemplates the time with concern in the midst of the turmoil of the heart. Would like to control the time, but the time controlled by him, in the same way that Eros control us, to all of us although in a less totalitarian. How Eros-sex only, or sex and love? Since the greeks we come repeating, again and again, this question by giving answers to many questions, all of them erroneous and inaccurate. is Lisias the sophist inflicted toughest that it was better to grant favors and not fall in love with. Those who do not love are people who remain masters of themselves. But who has all the systems of self-control of emotions? Socrates denied that self-control was possible, and went beyond them, as they do not considered it “desirable” to humans because it breaks the cycle of life. When Eros enters into us with their big risks, and welcomes you with a sense of propriety and wisdom, we perceive who we are, what we lack, what we could be. is Eros is also a new way of perceiving human nature . Do without the love is also to dispense of life. Physical passion ends at some point in time, while the love can continue. The greeks said it was less damaging to the eroticism than love. is The Greek poets represent Eros as a disease, as a hostile invasion . No one can fight Eros. That is the conviction standard of the poets, writes Anne Carson

can Be with Eros or flee from it? Can we ever? Desire is life and without life there is no existence. Eros is a risk, but a risk worth because without him there is nothing. Socrates was in love with of that risk and of the way to his seduction. Socrates called Eros of sophist, while Sappho “a weaver of fictions” . What’s stay? This response has been one of the engines of the creation of Anne Carson.