Anger on 1 May Bernese SVP is angry about the Demo it doesnt work at all
Anger on 1 May Bernese SVP is angry about the Demo it doesnt work at all

City confused? – Bernese SVP is angry about the Demo, it wasn’t at all”extreme left-wing protesters” would have killed on the day of the work of the Assembly ban, and the police had to be easy – or looked away, signs two city councils of the facts of the case. However, this rally has not been even.3 Kommentare3″has The almost trains per day travelling from shield bourgeoisie”, it says on circles: police officers with protective masks watch the action on the Federal court. (Icon)photo: Keystone

Two Bernese SVP-councillors in a vote about a 1.-May is-rally not enerviert, which there wasn’t. “Extreme left-wing protesters” would have killed on the day of the work of the Assembly ban, and the police had to be easy – or looked the other way.

The denounced, Thomas Glauser and Alexander Feuz in a Small request, which was proposed on Thursday in Parliament. Over 300 people were involved in the unauthorised Demo about the Federal rules set.

Hard criticism of the two SVP-councillors also in the behaviour of the police, who have not intervened and their regulatory oversight duty is violated.

The Council rejected the allegations of his written response: The described manifestation did not exist at all. Isolated people who wanted to demonstrate, had been expelled. These facts had 1. In may, the Berne-based media described in detail.

retreat is on silent soles

Perhaps the SVP have confused “the Situation with Zurich,” conjectured the municipal Council. However, In Zurich Demo were-Try on 1. May also be prohibited. Maybe the local Council has confused the Situation with Basel: There is a rally of about 400 people was tolerated.

As always, The SVP-councillors acknowledged their mistake by now. “We were wrong,” admitted party leader Alexander Feuz to the news Agency Keystone-SDA. In the city Council, the gaffe was not an issue, – Thomas Glauser as the first author of the Request waivers at the lectern to comment.


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