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Like some French celebrities, many mysteries surround singer Amanda Lear. The first, and best known of all, concerns his year of birth. Throughout his career, the star has always remained very vague about the year of his birth. “They say I’m a legend, what does that mean? That I’m still alive? Yes. -elle to our colleagues from Parisian in 2020.

Already in 2019 during an interview with Daphné Bürki on the France 2 show Je t’aime etc., the star claimed to have forgotten her age. “I forgot it! By dint of giving false dates of birth, I completely forgot the real one (…) It’s a number, who cares!”, She explained and continued: “When I am dead, I will be carbon 14 dated to finally know my age”.

Is the singer afraid of the passage of time? The Frenchwoman confided in our colleagues at VSD on the subject. “I don’t see any advantage in it, that’s for sure. But you have to know how to accept it. We talk about cosmetic surgery as an abominable thing but you’re fine at the dentist or the hairdresser, it’s the same .” For her, “the third age is great!”, as she explained later in the interview. “I see my English childhood friends let themselves go. They all start their sentences with ‘At my age…’ It horrifies me! At your age, your husband dumped you for a younger one, t you have alimony, the children are grown up, yay, have a blast!”.

This is what the star does not hesitate to do! This May 22, 2022, Amanda Lear paraded on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival on the occasion of the screening of the film Forever Young! Find out what she looks like today.