Almost half of Spanish debt is already in the hands of foreign investors
Almost half of Spanish debt is already in the hands of foreign investors

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Spain has seen an increase in a year the proportion of public debt in hands of foreign investors in five points to 49%, while the remaining of 50.8% is financed by national entities. In addition, 6.5% of all debt with maturity under one year. All these data have been published on Monday by Eurostat.

The community office of statistics has also stressed that our country is mainly financed durantae the last year with debt securities (86,7%), while loans (12.9 per cent) and the efectuvo or deposits (by 0.4%) have had little prominence.

Eurostat has also pointed out that the public debt of twelve of the 27 member States of the European Union (EU) has remained mainly in the hands of foreign investors during 2019. The highest percentages of public debt in hands of foreign investors last year have been detectdado in Cyprus (80%), Lithuania (76%), Latvia (74%) and Estonia (70%).

At the other extreme, the highest proportions of debt in the hands of financial corporations resident in the United states, have been registered in Denmark (74%), Sweden (73%), Croatia (67%) and Italy (63%).

In general, less than 10% of the debt was in the power of the non-financial sector resident on the territory of the country in the states of the EU, including non-financial corporations, households and non-profit institutions serving households.

The “notable exceptions” to this behavior have been given in Hungary (28%), Malta (26%), Portugal (15 %) and Ireland (11 %) , reported Eurostat.

Maturities of debt

with Respect to the maturity of the public debt with a term of less than a year , the largest concentrations of this type were detected in Sweden (21%), Portugal (18%), Italy (15%) and Hungary and Denmark (both with 11%) .

According to Eurostat, during 2019 the debt securities have been the main instrument in most member States, especially in the Czech Republic (91.8 per cent), Hungary (87,5%) and Slovenia (87.3 per cent). The countries that are financed with loans, on the other hand, were Estonia (87.8 per cent), Greece (80.6 per cent) and Cyprus (41,4%) .