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After Anthony Delon, it is the turn of the youngest of the clan, Alain-Fabien, to emerge from the silence in the columns of Paris Match. The young man, who filed a complaint for “abuse of weakness” against his sister Anouchka, spoke frankly about his father’s state of health as well as his daily life at his bedside.

The 29-year-old actor revealed that his father was too diminished to speak. “I would love for Alain Delon to tell me things, but when I manage to get him to speak, I have to get down on one knee and put my ear close to his mouth, and sometimes make him repeat three times. , four, five times after turning off the heating that makes noise to hear it and understand it,” he revealed. He also explains that his father “has days with and days without” so that there are “more complicated days” during which “he forgets, takes refuge in his thoughts”.

According to the brother of Anthony and Anouchka Delon, their father’s health gradually deteriorated after the departure of his “companion lady” Hiromi Rollin. The latter had been accused by the Delon children of “moral harassment”, “diversion of correspondence”, “violence against a vulnerable person” and “abuse of weakness”. Complaints which were recently closed without further action by the Montargis public prosecutor’s office.

“Three days after Hiromi Rollin’s departure, on July 5, my sister went on vacation to Corsica… To suit everyone, even though I had committed to writing a screenplay and had castings to go through , I found myself there, full time,” said Alain-Fabien in the columns of the magazine. At his father’s bedside, the young man concedes that “the beginnings were difficult”.

“I had to have a doctor come every day to give an infusion to Dad who refused to eat or drink. I hadn’t shed a tear in two years, he managed to make me cry,” he said. he explains. A special moment with his father during which he felt the distress of the 88-year-old actor. “Many times he showed me signs or said he wanted to end it. He was so hurt, but he survived.” Even today, he is at the bedside of Alain Delon, weakened by his stroke in 2019.