resim 204
resim 204

(Gatineau) The Competition Bureau announces that Montreal company Amp Me has agreed to pay a fine to resolve the regulator’s concerns regarding false or misleading representations regarding the free nature of its application and the purchase of “positive reviews.”

Amp Me offers a mobile application in Canada and the United States that allows you to synchronize multiple devices to amplify the sound of music.

According to the Competition Bureau, an investigation revealed that Amp Me purchased positive reviews from third parties between 2019 and 2022 to promote its app. The Bureau concluded that these criticisms created a false or misleading general impression.

The office also said that some claims made outside of Quebec gave the impression that the app was available for free when it was a limited free trial.

Under the agreement, the regulator imposed a penalty of $1.5 million, but due to Amp Me’s limited ability to pay, the company will pay a partial penalty of $310,000. If Amp Me’s financial statements are found to be inaccurate or incomplete, the office reserved the right to lift the suspension.

Amp Me will also have to pay an additional $40,000 to cover investigation costs.