resim 834
resim 834

Barring a huge last-minute surprise, the pension reform should indeed be implemented as of September 1. Despite significant social mobilization, the executive will have completed its project, between forceful passage thanks to article 49.3, validation by the Constitutional Council and express promulgation by Emmanuel Macron. If the date of September 1, 2023 is now a major step for its application, modifications could already be in the news during the summer, in particular for the Agirc-Arrco supplementary pension.

As of September 1, the insurance period required for retirement will increase to 43 years, while the full rate age will remain the same, set at the threshold of 67 years. The legal retirement age will be raised, as planned, by two years, with a gradual increase from 62 to 64 years. These changes are not without impact for the Agirc-Arrco supplementary pension, which is also directly impacted by this pension reform. As its director general, François-Xavier Selleret, explained at the microphone of Franceinfo, “when the rules evolve for the general scheme, they also evolve for the supplementary scheme”.

According to the Pension Insurance website, for the time being, “the decrees which will specify the terms of application of the reform have not yet been published”. Important information, which suggests that the reform could experience difficulties in being implemented in due time. In this uncertain context, the general manager of Agirc-Arrco wanted to be reassuring by explaining that updates should take place during the summer. He thus explained that his teams have worked “so that by mid-June […], the retirement simulator [is updated]”, which “will allow everyone to measure their situation, with the elements that will be known on that date”.