Outraged Parisians are planning an unusual protest. Thousands plan to defecate in the Seine to criticize the French government.

An extraordinary protest is forming in Paris. As the Austrian newspaper “Kronen Zeitung” reports, the citizens of the French capital have announced that they will defecate in the freshly cleaned river Seine as a sign of protest against the political leadership.

The event was organized after Mayor Hidalgo announced that she would swim in the Seine before the Summer Olympics on June 23. She wanted to demonstrate the improved water quality of the river, which will also host Olympic competitions in the future.

As Green Matters reports, working Parisians have been demonstrating for some time now for better working conditions and higher wages – a demand that has been largely ignored by the French government. Instead, around 1.3 billion euros were spent on cleaning the Seine between 2021 and 2024, which caused resentment among many Parisians at their demands.

The activists are now planning to deliberately pollute the river. As the “Kronen Zeitung” reports, an initiative has been formed on social media under the hashtag

In order to coordinate the protest as well as possible, there is even a website with a calculator function. The calculator is intended to help those who live above Paris on the banks of the Seine to determine the optimal time for their action so that the “gift” arrives in Paris on time on June 23rd.

Despite the extensive cleaning of the Seine, the safety of the competitions for open water swimmers and triathletes is uncertain until the last minute. As the “Kronen Zeitung” reports, the organizers fear that heavy rainfall could cause the canals to overflow. There are no alternative venues; “Plan B” would be to cancel the swimming, which would turn the triathlon into a duathlon of cycling and running.

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