After the stop of Strasbourg Less yellow West protest in France
After the stop of Strasbourg Less yellow West protest in France

Several Hundred protesters in yellow vests went out in Paris on Saturday on the road. The protests were held in different places. Especially on the Champs-Élysées, it came to tensions between security forces and protesters, tear gas was used. According to the Ministry of the interior, 2200 people took part until the afternoon of the protests in Paris, throughout the country, therefore, is around 33.500 – significantly less than a week ago. The demonstrations were accompanied by massive security measures. In Paris alone, 8000 police officers were deployed. Across the country a total of 69,000 security forces were in the service.

It was the fifth weekend in a row, the “yellow West” protest. After the terrorist attack in Strasbourg on Tuesday, the French government had not appealed to the “yellow vests” to demonstrate this weekend.

On Saturday a week ago, the number of demonstrators in Paris had been located until the afternoon, at around 10,000 in the whole country at 77,000. With more than 90 were counted, took the information was found on Saturday less than the previous week with 598 at the same time. In the whole country at that time, approximately 2000 people were arrested.